to shop or to online shop?... to faux snake or skinny jeans?...

October 7, 2007

to shop or to online shop?...

I have always enjoyed shopping or just simply window shopping! The thrill of finding your next big purchase is probably like Carrie Bradshaw's addiction to Manolo's. Besides, for an anorexic-looking stud like me, shopping is my only exercise so I guess it helps.

But having the time to go to the mall is now a luxury I can't seem to afford even if the mall is just a block away from home. Usually after coming home from school or the hospital, all I can do is just lay flat on my bed right after a meal or sip. The next thing you know, it's 1 in the morning and your social life is on the edge of being terminated.

I have recently been trying to get myself to purchase something on ebay and try the online shopping thing. But I have always been hesitant to do so mainly because of the credibility of the sellers. Are they for real? Does the positive feedbacks enough justification of their trustworthiness? Consider these questions paranoid but I think they are but normal if you want the best value for your money.

The best thing to do in this kind of situation is to weigh out the pro's and con's of each side.

Pros for Shopping:
1. You get to see the product personally and try them on
2. A wide choice of size and color availability
3. A 24-hour ASSURED return of the product in case of damage
4. The entire mall is at your reach in finding what you want in case one botique doesn't have it

Cons for shopping:
1. Price of the product may be higher with all the taxes included
2. You have to deal with those irritating sales people suggesting that you'd buy their most expensive item

Pros for online shopping: (not only on ebay)
1. The world is your mall! You have access to designer apparels outside your area, or country!
2. You can get discounts by buying tons of items in one purchase

Cons for online shopping:
1. You don't get to try the outfit on
2. Due to varying size differences per brand, what you purchase might not be what you expected
3. The quality of the products and credibility of sellers may not be up to par

Hmm, with that said, I therefore conclude that shopping in general is exciting! May it be in a mall, tiangge, or in the comfort of your own room or cubicle, the joy of having a great reward for your hard-earned money is simply priceless. See you on ebay! (wink!)

to faux snake or skinny jeans?...

After my ME vs. ME debate about wether or not to shop or to online shop, I've looked at some of the hot buys on ebay and this is where I landed. The most difficult choice between a pair of jeans bombarded me.

First we have a faux snake number. I've always wanted to wear something faux. Faux fur, faux croc, faux snake, without ending up as a faux pas. Lucky me, I found one on ebay. I think this will get through a hot summer day when I would go out just to buy something in the grocery store, rent some movies, or just to flaunt the snake...period! In short, the kind of jeans my boyfriend would never ever be seen with me if I was sporting it.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Price: $6

The next are skinny jeans from Whoop which I totally dig the dark shade and a dash of fades with a unique back design which is essential I believe in choosing the perfect skinny jeans. I've worn skinny jeans once and I enjoyed the weird stares from head to toe, the laughs and chuckles from left to right. Amazing how judgemental and narrow-minded people could be.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Price: $18

For a brand I've never heard of, this might be too much. But I wanna know what you guys think.

*I'll be posting entries regarding clothing, dining, and travel soon! Be in the know on what's hot only in Dagupan, courtesy of yours truly, VILORIA-GAMBOA.

Over and Out!


Cai said...

HI Remcyl! :)

Why don't you try Auction.PH. You will find cool buys there. :)

I'd vote for the skinny jeans.. hehe..