Scent, Oops! He did it again...

October 5, 2007


While surfing youtube yesterday, I typed in Christina Aguilera just to see what's new with my all-time favorite performer. To my surprise, several videos of her new commercial showcasing her new fragrance! Take a look! Watch for the effect when she spritz herself, PERFECTION!

Lovely, isn't it?

Oops! He did it again...

I had been holding myself back from saying something about one of my classmates' rant about me and my blockmates but I think I've strained myself for too long and I just have to say it out loud.

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Meet Mr. Interesting.

It's his second time around in the college life after graduating from an engineering course so safe to say, he's a lot older compared to the rest of the guys in our class.

After getting to know him a bit, he came "out" to me which really wasn't much of a surprise anymore after one of my blockmates told me prior to our conversation. Blah! Blah! Blah! Moving on...

One time I invited him to go out together with my boyfriend but said he couldn't make it so it was fine. It wasn't that big a deal since it's not like we're going to a huge party or anything so I just cancelled.

Then came his turn to invite us on a karaoke afternoon splurge and this time, I was the one not available to join due to personal reasons a.k.a. spending time with my boyfriend. Their plan pursued but without Irish and I so I thought it was fine with him. BTW, the invite was actually sent to most of our classmates.

Days after, I saw his shoutout box at Friendster ranting on how BORING our block is. So I thought to myself, how shallow of a reason for him to label us as boring individuals just by not being on his karaoke splurge?


A new shoutout months after a quiet classmate-to-classmate relationship except during times of paying him for the Autoloads, there was a new rant once again still referring to us as BORING! Oh and may I add, this time around, he stated how he wouldn't miss us.


Come to think of it, I really don't know why I keep on visiting his profile. I think it has something to do with the fact that I'm waiting for the next big scandal. Coz you know how fabulous it is to discover skeletons from people you least expect to have bull?

Well anyhoo, appaled, taken aback, and shocked with the new shoutout he posted, I still kept quiet. No one seems to be caring anyway since I don't hear from anyone in our class having an opinion about it, I felt it was the better choice.

When I checked in the next day, to my surprise, the latter part of the shoutout was changed and in it was an apology for posting the former.

SAY WHAT? Say no more...

To me, being liked by everyone is no everyday challenge. I don't spend time thinking what it is in me that people don't like. I quote Samantha from Sex and the City, "Honey, if I care about what everyone thinks of me, I'll never leave the house."

Don't get me wrong, I love Mr. Interesting. But sweety, if you're gonna call us boring coz that's how you find us, stand up for it. Live it! Don't let anyone mold who you are just because they reacted to your belief. Always remember that just because what you think isn't accepted by many, doesn't mean you have to go with what they believe is true.

Despite how we've been labeled already, I still wanna prove him wrong.

I know how interesting our block is! We have singers, dancers, photographers, artists, and a whole lot more to be proud of. Just open your heart a bit more. Spontaneity might be slapping you in the face and you don't even know it.

Select a song? Anyone?

Over and Out!


Louis said...

Nice post. You have good insights. Keep it up!

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