Me scared. . .

November 8, 2007

Okay, the reason for me not blogging even if I have all these ideas I wanna get out in my head is because I have an appointment with my neurologist tomorrow. After 3 years post-operation of nothing bad happening with my head, I've been feeling migraines, dizziness, and lightheaded lately.

Frankly you guys, I'm scared.

What if something IS wrong with my head again?

I hope not! I'm not ready to find out, but I realized just now, when could I ever be ready? This should be something I'm more than ready to face since I've been through more difficult times than this. I mean really, after my skull being opened and muscles taken out to wrap veins with, a check-up is nothing.

But I do need the biggest help from you guys, through prayers. I know we haven't shared that much yet, but I am hoping for your warm consideration to my request.

Will be updating you tomorrow as soon as I get the results with pictures of the trip and the check-up.

Over and Out!


Myx said...

I'm praying for you. Keep us updated