Nena's Garden is very famous for their catering services, but when they decided to open up restaurants, people now have a taste of their dishes in very affordable prices.
They specialize in home cooked meals and well known Filipino favorites.
We tried out their Arellano Branch just beside Giorgio's Pizzeria and Dior Village. You won't miss it. They have available parking spaces for their customers with wheels unlike most restaurants here in Dagupan.
Ambience: Having a spirit of Christmas this early, was a good decision. A combination of oriental designs with unique Christmas lighted balls is perfect while you're sipping on your broths. One huge problem...

With the temperature here in Dagupan, how in the world could you enjoy your broths if good AC isn't even available? I don't think this yellow electric fan (it's bad enough it's an electric fan, they had to buy one that's in this color) could ventilate all their customers simultaneously. Thank God it was a bit cool when we visited, but still, I saw an AC, better put it to good use.
Food #1: Pork Sinigang

Once again, the perfect taste of broth thanks to some broth cubes giving the instant sour taste. Seriously, no sign of tamarind or camias which is an "instant" giveaway that they've used such cubes. Nonetheless, it tastes great! just pretend it's not MSG-rich and you'll surely enjoy.
This dish contained several delicious half cooked vegetables such as okra, eggplant, Baguio beans, lettuce, and a lot more. A lot better though if the vegetables were well done.
The meat on the other hand was hard as a rock and sadly, because of the broth cubes used, the sour taste of the broth didn't seep into the pork's meat.
Judgment: 3 out of 5 starsFood #2: Sizzling Boneless Bangus

Bangus is what Dagupan is known for! It's the Eiffel tower of Paris, the pyramids of Egypt, the Britney Spears of Hookerville. Haha just kidding!
The Bangus festival here in Dagupan even has this 100 ways to cook Bangus thing which I believe, this meal is one of its variations.
Okay, I know you could barely see the bangus in the picture, but it's only because it was hidden underneath all those toppings like carrots, celery, mushrooms, and onions.
The sauce is garlic-rich blended into this creamy concentration which goes very well with the vegetables.
The only problem with this meal, is that it's too good you can only have half of it and the rest is just puking!
Judgment: 4 out of 5 stars (serve only half of it or share with someone special then its a 5)

While waiting for the food, we did some camwhoring.

Over and out!